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$10 1929II  The Hurlbut N.B. of Winsted, CT  Ch. #1494  VF.  One pinhole noted for accuracy.  Nice note.   . . .   FACE   . . .   BACK   . . .   $140.00

$10 1882BB  The Lincoln N.B. of Washington, DC  Ch. #(E)4247  PMG VF 20.  Several small pinholes, not noted by PMG, which hardly detract at all.  A legible pen signature of the cashier and a large, stronger, pen signature of the president.  An elusive bank, with only 25 large size notes reported.  This is one of three known Brown Back tens.   . . .   FACE   . . .   BACK   . . .   1150.00

$5 1929I  Bishop First N.B. of Honolulu, HI  Ch. #5550  Fine.   . . .   FACE   . . .   BACK   . . .   450.00

$10 1929I  Bishop First N.B. of Honolulu, HI  Ch. #5550  Fine-VF.   . . .   FACE   . . .   BACK   . . .   495.00

$5 1929I  The Hailey N.B., Hailey, ID  Ch. #9145  Fine-VF, with some light staining on the face.  Not bad.  15 small size notes reported, and they are rarely available.  This is just the second Type I $5 to surface.   . . .   FACE   . . .   BACK   . . .   1100.00

$5 1902PB  The First N.B. of Nampa, ID  Ch. #(P)8370  PMG Fine 15.  Evenly circulated, with legible purple stamped signatures.  None of the three Nampa banks issued small size notes.  Rare: one of six notes reported.   . . .   FACE   . . .   BACK   . . .   1675.00